Learn more about our advisory, consulting, and valuation services

Hotel Consulting

Market Study

Analysis of hotel market and Subject hotel through the point of projected occupancy and ADR.

Market Study w/ Projections of Financial Performance

Adds projection of hotel operations with revenues and expenses for the first 10 years.

Feasibility Study

Tests the IRR of the projected financial performance after considering hotel development costs and the hypothetical sale of the hotel and returns from operations.

Return on Investment Analysis

Performed to validate or disprove additional investments to existing hotels after considering the value added from the investments and the resulting change in net present value of the hotel.

Brand Impact Study

Performed to determine the base and incremental impact of a new proposed branded hotel upon an existing branded hotel within the same brand family.

Repositioning Study

Study of a hotel's projected performance following proposed changes in the hotel's brand or positioning.

Loan Modification

Based on market projections, we can develop recommended loan terms that show ultimate loan repayment, but on a time line that is attainable in difficult times.

Public-Private-Partners Advising

Municipality Advisory

In addition to being able to provide general consulting services, we are available to assist cities and municipalities wishing to attract private hotel development. These services may include RFP/RFQ facilitation and/or assistance with developer/manager selection.

Mixed-Use Project Consulting

We provide advice regarding the appropriate brand, room count and amenities for a hotel component relative to other real estate components to achieve proper balance and seamless cohesion.

Hotel Occupancy Tax Projections

We can provide projections of hotel occupancy taxes to aid public entities in forecasting expectations of hotel tax revenue.

Economic Impact Analysis

Projected direct and indirect benefits to a given area as a result of a proposed development.

Site Selection Evaluation

Performed to determine the locational attributes of proposed hotel sites and objectively determine their strength or weakness relative to other sites.

Asset Management

We are available to help hotel owners and municipalities maximize their assets through operational review and by helping identify improvement opportunities.


We provide Appraisal services for a variety of hospitality real estate from limited-service properties to major convention center hotels and resorts.

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